Why Hire A Personal Injury Attorney? When Insurance Companies Resist Paying

If you’ve been injured in an accident due to the negligence or recklessness of another person, you are entitled to compensation to address your medical issues, as well as potentially the emotional duress. Whether it’s a car accident, dog bite, fall, or some other type of accident, if someone else is culpable, you can expect them to pay up. Depending on the type of incident and resulting injuries, insurance companies are likely going to be the ones who write the final check. But what if insurance companies are resistant to paying what you deserve? Unfortunately, these companies are all too familiar with a variety of tactics to delay or eliminate financial payouts, and if you don’t play your cards right, you may lose out on thousands of dollars that should rightfully go into your pocket. Recent changes to insurance companies could complicate matters further. Having an aggressive and experienced local personal injury attorney fighting on your behalf can make a real difference.
Insurance Ploys
All too often, insurance companies work to pay out the least possible amount to victims who desperately need the money. They are, after all, in the business of making a profit. Here are some common strategies they use to deflect their responsibilities:
- Looking for Anything to Deny Your Claim: It is the insurance company’s job to explore your claim for any potential failings. Maybe you waited for a while to seek medical treatment: that’s an indication the ailment isn’t real, or at the very least, isn’t very serious. Perhaps you don’t have a witness to the accident? They may claim that your version of events is suspect.
- Delays, delays, delays: Anyone who’s ever filed a claim knows that insurance companies are famous for their delays. They’ll tell you they haven’t received necessary documentation, or that your case is under review—and continue to drag matters out for so long that you will (hopefully) give up on trying to get anything at all.
- Pressure to Accept a Minimal Payout: Sometimes an insurance company will assume that you will be grateful for whatever they offer, even if it is far lower than what you need and deserve. They may try to tell you that you have a finite timeline during which to accept their offer, or you’ll get nothing at all. They may suggest that there is no reason to seek legal assistance—urging you to trust their magnanimity. These could simply be ways to minimize their liability and may not be in your best interests at all.
Fighting the Good Fight
The experienced Kissimmee personal injury attorneys are willing to go to bat for clients because they understand how difficult recovery from a serious accident can be. Instead of spending your time battling the insurance companies, focus on healing while we fight the good fight on your behalf. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.