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Improper Lane-Changes Can Be Deadly


She was only six years old when, as a passenger in a Dodge SUV, she lost her life due to an improper lane change in South Florida. Several other individuals suffered injuries and were hospitalized, and three vehicles suffered damage—one bursting into flames.  Fortunately, the passengers were all able to exit the vehicle without sustaining any injuries related to the fire.

 Improper Lane Change 

Drivers make improper lane changes with little consequence every day.  Changing lanes without a clear path, however, or without signaling, can be disastrous. Florida Highway Patrol takes such actions very seriously, simply because they know that even if a driver gets away with an improper lane change today, it could lead to a horrendous outcome tomorrow.

Florida Statute 

Florida law requires that lane changes can only be attempted after the driver has ascertained that such a move can be safely executed. Fines can range from $65 to $300 for an improper lane change that did not result in an accident in addition to three points on one’s driver’s license. In the event of an accident, particularly one that causes serious injuries or fatalities, the consequences can be much greater.

Why Improper Lane Changes are so Common 

Many drivers view changing lanes as such a regular part of the driving experience that they simply fail to take it seriously, and therefore endanger themselves and other motorists on the road.  Some things that may impact a driver’s errant lane change include:

  • Forgetting to signal the intent to change lanes;
  • Failing to check side and rear-view mirrors before changing lanes;
  • Poorly aligned mirrors don’t detect danger prior to changing lanes;
  • Drivers neglect to check their blind spot before changing lanes;
  • Drivers attempting to cross multiple lanes without properly checking;
  • Drivers attempting to avoid debris or hazards change lanes quickly;
  • Drivers who are impaired make multiple driving errors;
  • Drivers are distracted by other issues and make dangerous lane changes;
  • Drivers don’t realize their desired turn is up ahead and make sudden lane changes;
  • Weather conditions impair visibility and cause a driver to make an unsafe lane change.

Avoiding Injuries

 Depending on the types of vehicles involved, the speeds involved, and safety features deployed, injuries sustained in crashes can vary from minor bumps and bruises to serious head wounds, lacerations, broken bones, internal injuries, and even death.  Wearing seatbelts is one thing motorists and their passengers can do to reduce the possibility of the most serious injuries, although sometimes it’s impossible to really be protected. In those situations, you may find the help of a local personal injury/wrongful death attorney useful.

Legal Guidance 

At Salazar & Kelly Law Group, our experienced, compassionate Kissimmee personal injury attorneys understand your suffering, and can help to secure the financial remuneration you deserve after an accident that was no fault of your own. To discuss, contact our office for a confidential consultation today.



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