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Probation Violation Concerns?


If you are on probation, there are a number of expectations you must meet in order to stay out of jail.  Failure to meet those expectations can cost you time, money, and peace of mind.  If you‘ve had trouble adhering to the probationary rules and need help avoiding long-term consequences, the aid of a local criminal defense attorney may be worth pursuing.

Common Probation Violations

Probation officers are tasked with keeping track of individuals who are deemed by the courts to require supervision in order to stay out of trouble.  Probationers must agree to the terms of probation from the get go, and shouldn’t be surprised when their probation officer expresses displeasure when violations of the agreement occur.  Common issues include the following:

  • Failure to pay fines: Often probationers have restitution or fines that require intermittent attention.  When this is ignored, the consequence could be additional jail time in order to punctuate the seriousness of the violation.

  • Skipping a meeting with a probation officer. Periodic check-ins are required, and if you miss one, it could raise the ire of your probation officer.  The consequence could be time behind bars.

  • Improper associations: Regardless of your relationship with a known felon, a judge may restrict your contact.  Even if the person is your relative, love interest, or best friend, you may not be able to associate.  Ignoring this restriction could mean jail time, more probation, and additional fines.

  • Drugs: Probationers generally are required to undergo random drug testing as a condition of their probation.  Even trace amounts discovered through a blood or urine test could have serious consequences, including fines and time behind bars.

  • Unreported change of address: Many probationers tend to have fluctuating residency situations.  While moving around is fine, failing to report changes to your P. O. could trigger a violation.

  • Job loss: You are required to maintain employment while on probation.  It would be a shame to have to go to jail because you lost a job, so it’s important to stay on the job.

  • Crossing geographical lines: You’ll likely have some travel restrictions, so be clear about where you’re allowed to go.  You will be facing consequences if it’s discovered that you left the state, or maybe even the county, without permission.

  • Skipping out on other requirements: If your probation entails community service, classes, treatment, therapy, or other commitments, failure to meet the requirements indicates you don’t take the court seriously.  Failure to complete all of your conditions of probation in a timely manner could cost you your freedom.

  • Missing a court hearing: If you’re scheduled to meet with the judge and something else comes up, most judges are not very understanding.  Sanctions will likely result from such a serious violation of your probation.

  • Criminal activity: If, while on probation, you are charged with additional crimes, chances are you will be facing more serious penalties.

How to Proceed

Trial courts do have a great amount of discretion when it comes to sanctions in probation cases.  That’s why it’s so important to have aggressive representation in these situations.  At the Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A., our Kissimmee probation violation attorneys fight for the best outcomes for our clients.  Contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation.




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