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Back-Over Accidents


Nothing could be more tragic than having a child harmed in an accident in your own, or a friend or neighbor’s driveway.  Sadly, such incidents occur all too often in this country, sometimes in their own driveways, sometimes in the driveway of a neighbor.  The physical and emotional wreckage associated with these events is unspeakable for children and their families.  If your youngster has been the victim of this type of accident, a local personal injury attorney can help you recover damages to address medical needs and other costs associated with the accident.

The Numbers Tell a Devastating Tale

It is alarming to note that literally thousands of back-over accidents involving young children occur every single year across the country, leading to serious injuries, and, in some cases, death.  What do the statistics reveal?

  • Roughly two-thirds of all vehicle fatalities involving children up to age 14 is a rollover incident, half resulting from backing vehicles and half being front rollovers. (Another 20 percent of vehicle deaths result from heat stroke in children who are left locked in cars during summer months).
  • About 50 children suffer a back-over accident somewhere in America every week, 96 percent leading to hospitalization, and four percent resulting in death.
  • Just under a quarter of accidents occur when children are behind the vehicle prior to the car starting to move;
  • Over one-fourth of accidents involve children approaching the vehicle from either the left or right;
  • One in five accidents occur when children fall in front of a moving vehicle, or fall from the open hatch of a moving vehicle.

What Puts Kids in the Line of Danger?

Why are driveways such risky places for children?  Oftentimes, their attention is focused on their play, whether that entails chalk art, marbles, or basketball.  They simply fail to understand the dangers in the area, instead concentrating on their childhood games and activities.  With the unpredictability of children, it behooves adults to use extreme caution in driveways.  Achieving safety includes a range of ideas:  

  1. Survey the area of the driveway and nearby areas for children at play who are in, or may dart into your path.
  2. Keep children in sight when the car is in motion.
  3. Take time while backing out, keeping aware of the capricious nature of kids;
  4. Train children to avoid driveway play, whether it be at home or elsewhere;
  5. Remember to utilize a parking brake so accidental unattended rolling doesn’t occur.

Following an Accident

If your child has been harmed in a driveway vehicle accident, you are doubtlessly overwhelmed with a range of emotions and frustrations.  As the medical expenses accrue, you may be unsure how to proceed. The Kissimmee car accident attorneys at the Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A., however, knows just how to handle these situations.  Contact us in Kissimmee to schedule a no-cost, confidential consultation today.




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