Tag Archives: Kissimmee Criminal Defense Attorney

When Being Drunk Becomes a Crime in Florida: Disorderly Intoxication
Once you are 21 years old, you have the privilege to purchase and enjoy alcohol whether in your home, at a party, or at a bar or restaurant. However, there are limits to this privilege under Florida law. If law enforcement officers encounter you when you are intoxicated in public, you may be committing… Read More »

Violent Crimes in Vehicles
Cars are part of our everyday lives. Most adults have a driver’s license and drive their own vehicles on a daily basis. Even when someone does not own a car, they may routinely be behind the wheel of friends and family member’s vehicles or rental cars. It should come as no surprise then that… Read More »

Florida Lawmakers Try to Reduce Number of Hot Vehicle Deaths
Every year more than three dozen children around the U.S. die after being left in hot vehicles. The children pass away due to severe hyperthermia, which occurs when their bodies’ temperature reaches above 104 degrees Fahrenheit and are unable to cool themselves. This risk is particularly high in Florida, which experiences hot temperatures throughout… Read More »

Florida Resident Shoots at AT&T Vehicles and Workers
In mid-July, Jorge Jove was unhappy to see AT&T workers and vehicles in front of his home. He asked the workers to move the vehicles. They told him it would be a few minutes since they were working on nearby poles. The answer seemed to not satisfy Jove as he returned to his home… Read More »

Individuals Charged With Fraud After Posing Online as Federal Agents
In July, six Florida residents were arrested and charged with wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud for posing online as Department of Homeland Security agents for nearly two years. These individuals created online dating profiles posing as adult women. Once they began communicating and exchanging photos with men, they would state they… Read More »

Osceola County Officers Arrest Man for Drawing Gun on Car Accident Victim
What began as a minor vehicle accident ended with criminal charges for aggravated assault and grand theft auto. Carlos Luis Mercado was involved in a minor collision yet failed to stop to exchange information. After pulling into a Publix parking lot followed by the other driver involved in the crash, Mercado exited his vehicle… Read More »

When The Police Can Pull You Over: Understanding Reasonable Suspicion
Somedays it feels like police officers have all of the power. It can seem like they have the ability to stop and question you whenever they like. However, this is not true. You have essential Constitutional rights that officers cannot violate without serious consequences. Because of your Constitutional rights to privacy and to be… Read More »

Florida Appeals Court Decides Police Need Warrant to Download a Vehicle’s “Black Box”
The Fourth District Court of Appeals in Florida recently determined that law enforcement agencies need a warrant to retrieve and download information from a vehicle’s “black box.” These types of digital recorders, also known an event data recorders or modules, are no longer just for planes. Commercial trucks gained them in recent years and… Read More »

Understanding Your Miranda Rights
When you are arrested, you must be read your rights by a police officer. This is not an option for a cop. He or she must tell you that: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You… Read More »

Kissimmee Resident Arrested for Selling Fake Tickets to Kennedy Space Center
Anyone who has ever been tempted to sell a less-than-legitimate ticket to an event, museum, or game should take note: Selling forged tickets can lead to serious criminal charges. A resident of Kissimmee, Florida, was arrested in mid-February for creating and selling fake tickets to Kennedy Space Visitor’s Center through Craigslist for $35. He… Read More »